What’s Going On – July 2022

Here are some of the things we’ve been working on Spring/Summer 2022:

General News

Food Security

  • Building new terraced, raised garden beds. The logs supporting each of the widest beds have also been inoculated with edible mushrooms!
  • Building the soil so the plants grow faster, sturdier and healthier
  • Dialing in the breeding of the meat rabbits after loosing many kits
  • Incubating more chicken eggs! Our last batch hatched June 23, 2022 and we have 22 healthy pullets and some are for sale!
  • Bill’s homemade “Vanilla Extract” – triple washed, aged for 9+ months (follow the link to purchase!)
  • Expanding/Accelerating our compost tea production
  • Offering Compost Tea for sale (follow the link to purchase!)
chicks pullets chickens for sale
triple washed vanilla extract
compost tea for sale

Medical Sovereignty

  • Xristina’s – Exposure Defense” Homeopathic combination remedy for spike proteins, sticky energetic attachments (follow the link to purchase!)
  • Xristina’s – “Integration” – Homeopathic & more combination remedy for after journeys or other expansive experiences. Aimed to help us integrate more smoothly and more surrender and expansion (COMING SOON!!)
  • Xristina’s “Calendula Salve” for cuts, scrapes, burns, sunburns, irritated skin, inflamed skin, bug bites, poison ivy and more (follow the link to purchase!)
  • Bill is preparing to teach a simple bodywork method EVERY TUESDAY EVENING, BEGINNING AUGUST 9th 7-8:30pm, The class is open to people of all skill sets (from “i don’t know anything about bodywork” to “licensed massage therapists”)! This method gives you simple, easy to use tools to get yourself quickly and effectively out of pain. The best part is, no strength or special equipment is needed! Each classes stands alone but also builds upon previous classes. MORE INFO COMING VERY SOON!! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, CLICK HERE TO LET US KNOW!!
  • Acquiring additional massage tables so Bill can have more students in the class!

Personal Empowerment

  • Focusing on the structure of the PMA agreement (Private Membership Association).
  • Receiving quotes for expansions of structures on the property
  • Navigating interpersonal communication
  • Searching for and being open to receive clarity on how people can “plug in”, contribute and be part of what we are doing here!

Spiritual Freedom

  • Spiritual Reset Circles on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings each month (follow link to learn more)
  • Honing in on language and explanations that are both evolved and nuanced in describing our human experience that work across a wide array of backgrounds and ways of life. Finding common ground.
  • A commitment to working on ourselves, deeper spiritual exploration on each of our parts.

What has been put on the back burner for the time being:

  • Pausing the Community Potlucks for the time being
  • Pausing the Madame X’s Lair Events
  • Sweat lodges
  • Community Clinics

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