WHAT’S GOING ON – October 2022

We’re so excited to share with you what’s been happening here at Sovereignty Lab the past few months. It’s always a new adventure here! Check it out!

Food Security

– 6 kits born to 2 of our Silver Fox Does
– 9 kits from 2 previous litters just left their “Mamas” to the grown out cages. They are also available to a new home. Born August 1. Unvaxxed, fed Non-GMO feed & greens from the homestead, $40/each
– Our 22 chicks (born June 23, about 13 weeks old) are now ready to either find new homes, or fatten up! Mixed breed Roos and Hens $20/each. Unvaxxed, Non-GMO feed. Hens should start laying around 18-22 weeks old). At last count there were only 5 hens and 3 Roosters left! Thanks to all who have added to or started their own flocks with our chickens!
– We installed 2 new long raised garden beds in early September and filled them with compost from the deep mulch bed chicken coops, as well as with fresh rabbit manure. They will be ready to plant in spring 2023!
– Added a small guild/Fairy garden just below the lower chicken coop which will contain medicinal perennial flowers, sedum and Fairy gifts!
– While we didn’t have the overall output or YIELD that we expected in the garden this year, we learned a lot and still managed to eat really well from the garden! Some back story: We bought topsoil that turned out to be totally depleted of minerals and useful enough to make bricks with LOL, but with the Compost tea and soil amending we did (perlite, vermiculite and peat moss) the tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, peppers, basil, nasturtiums, herbs, medicinals and wild greens have kept us busy!
– Since spring, we stopped feeding our rabbits hay as supplement to their pellets and have instead been using greens foraged from our land (cuttings, weeds that we didn’t eat!, grasses, etc). They have done great! We found out they LOVE miscanthus (silver grass or Johnson grass – which aren’t the exact same but similar) grass…so we intend to leave it growing and cut it down as needed to feed the rabbits this winter. We’d call that a Permaculture WIN!!
– We came into some MASSIVE food abundance this past few weeks! From the 9 gallons of chestnuts we gathered in exchange for cleaning up a driveway (DUH, that was easy!), to the ridiculous amount (like 60 gallons worth) of kieffer pears gathered and turned mostly into pear sauce – also in exchange for cleaning up a yard…to the 100lbs of venison that found its way here along with the humongous candy roaster squash… We are grateful to receive and share!

Fairy Guild
New Raised Garden Beds

Medical Sovereignty by Bill and Christina

– Bill has been leading a weekly bodywork study group called the Physical Reset Circle  that is aimed to teach EVERYDAY FOLKS easy pain relief techniques they can use at any time on themselves, their family and friends. It’s been empowering to attend and learn super simple techniques to get ourselves out of pain!
– Xristina has been busy making magical medicines from herbs from our land, essential oils and homeopathic remedies. IN STOCK NOW : Exposure Defense ; Heart Mastery Anointing Oil; The Gift Oil; PCR/Nasal Swab Homeopathic Antidote (I will post a link under the SHOP tap on the website, in the meantime, email for more deets)
Work with Bill one-on-one to get yourself out of pain using gentle, no-force techniques. It’s profound work whose value can’t be underestimated (that is the truth!)
Work with Christina for homeopathic treatment for health maintenance, Treatment for specific concerns and treatment for those undiagnosable “but you know something is off” type situations

Bill "hamming it up" before Physical Reset Circle class!
Making Medicine

Personal Empowerment

– Every day here on the land we are reminded of our commitment towards our own personal empowerment. Our commitment to the land and to ourselves directs everything that we do. Sometimes the lessons come in like a gentle rain, sometimes like a flood. Weathering the storm, using the tools we have (and a few new ones) are what give us resilience and mastery to grow, die and be reborn.
– We had an awesome Potluck here October 8 and a Vedic Tea Ceremony and Puja Blessing October 22 – both were AMAZING events and we were so honored to host them (especially the Puja!).
– Join us for our Thanksgiving Potluck Gathering November 24  – and spend Thanksgiving with some of your Sovereign Soul Family!

Andi Bond leading the Puja Ceremony

Health is Wealth. Freedom from pain is golden. Freedom from emotional turmoil is a blessed gift. Bill and Christina both have a lot of tools to help you step more into your Medical/Personal and Spiritual Sovereignty. They both help others to weather their own storms with the work they do…Feeling called to work with either of them? Then reach out!

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