Bill Parravano

I AM the sum total of all the life experiences, injuries, accidents, surgeries, traumas, and lessons I've experienced to date...and counting. Who I am, changes day to day as I continue to strive and push myself to be more. A better Father to my daughter, a better friend, partner, teacher, coach, bodyworker, healer... I would forgo monetary gain to remain in my integrity... I've packed a shit ton of knowledge, experience, and wisdom into my short 51 years on this earth and am eager to share a glimpse of that with you in our work together... I have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of how tension patterns in the body result in the physical experience we have in our meat suits. These insights I've gained since I began this leg of my journey in 1998, have revealed the universal principles our bodies use to heal themselves, and which provide the foundation that every modality of bodywork is supported on- whether they know it or not! I bring all this and hefty dose of intuition to our work together, whether it be on the table with bodywork, working out on the Pravilo, on the ground with Systema, in the field with Primitive Skills or in dialog as a mentor.

bone broth rebuild joints

Turn Kitchen Compost into Bone Broth for Rebuilding Joints

This is an excerpt from a blog our very own Bill Parravano wrote for his Knee Pain Guru business several years ago! To read the full blog, click here. The Perfect Recipe For Rebuilding Knee Joints, hip joints, shoulder joints and more It is widely known and accepted as truth that the joint cannot heal

Turn Kitchen Compost into Bone Broth for Rebuilding Joints Read More »

Quick Technique to Relax Tension in the Hips

Quick Technique to Relax Tension in the Hips

Learn a simple technique to balance and relieve tension and pain in the hips. Learn more easy and profoundly useful principles of pain relief at the weekly Physical Reset Circle taught by Bill Parravano. You can attend ONLINE or in person. You can also work with Bill one-on-one either in person or virtually. Be sure

Quick Technique to Relax Tension in the Hips Read More »

how to deal with stress

How to Deal with Stress in Confrontational Situations

Having a strategy on how to deal with stress goes a long way to get you feeling normal again after a difficult day at work or in this case a challenging political meeting. You know another stressful confrontational situation will come up in your life. So in this blog, we are going to step back

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Top 3 Reasons to Get Bodywork

The Top 3 Reasons to Get Body Work Today

The Top 3 Reasons to Get Body Work Today are going to be different for each person. I’ve outlined a few reasons what I see are some of the most beneficial reasons to begin getting bodywork today no matter what your age is. Knowing that health is the most precious asset we have and learning how to use bodywork as a tool to get the most out of our mental, physical and emotional health leads to a higher quality of life in many ways…

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BODYWORK TIPS: Clear boundaries with a partner (spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally)

Enjoy this video by our very own Bill Parravano. These tips come from his weekly bodywork study group called Physical Reset Circle, meeting weekly Tuesdays from 7:30pm-9pm ET. Come in person or join via video! ** No prior bodywork experience is necessary to attend! **Bill often focuses on DIY techniques that you can do to

BODYWORK TIPS: Clear boundaries with a partner (spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally) Read More »

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