Pravilo – First Time Experience!

Pravilo Asheville Weaverville North Carolina WNC

Hi Bill,
Hope that you had a great weekend.  Here are some of my highlights from my first experience on Pravilo:
1. The reservation process through the website was smooth.
2  The email communication prior to the appointment was great and very helpful.
3. The environment felt very welcoming for a new person.  Good energy in the space.  Everyone was really friendly, which to me is such a big part of a new experience.

4. Definitely felt some releases of tension in my body during the Pravilo session.  In particular my upper mid-back where I typically hold a lot of tension.  Also in my hips, which is really hard to access through traditional stretching.
5. One thought I had is to have a flow or routine.  For example perhaps muscular engagement practice first for strength building/core stability, then more of a focus on flexibility/tension release.

Have a blessed week,

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