Got out of Tub Myself!!! Bodywork Testimonial

This was sent to Bill Parravano a few days after the second bodywork session this client had with him! She also told us after her second session with Bill, that she had more benefit and felt better after just 2 sessions of his bodywork than she had after 2 years each of chiropractic care and… Read more “Got out of Tub Myself!!! Bodywork Testimonial”

Deep Shadow Work – Homeopathic Testimonial

homeopathy shadow work

Morna relaying to me me how the homeopathic remedy I just put her on (the “medicine” she mentions) is helping her do her shadow work, peel back layers of inherited patterns quickly and easily. Homeopathic treatment is such an amazing tool to help us on our spiritual journeys! Definitely an ally to allow us to… Read more “Deep Shadow Work – Homeopathic Testimonial”

Pravilo – First Time Experience!

Pravilo Asheville Weaverville North Carolina WNC

Hi Bill, Hope that you had a great weekend.  Here are some of my highlights from my first experience on Pravilo: 1. The reservation process through the website was smooth. 2  The email communication prior to the appointment was great and very helpful. 3. The environment felt very welcoming for a new person.  Good energy… Read more “Pravilo – First Time Experience!”

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