Calendula Salve


Christina says: “There’s a reason why I used to call this product “Boo-Boo Balm” and have kept the recipe the same since ~2007 when I began making it!

It has so many uses, it really should be a staple in every household!”



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calendula officinalis salveABOUT CALENDULA: Calendula officinalis is “pot marigold”, an amazing plant known for its first intention healing (helps reduce the formation of scar tissue); antibacterial, antimicrobial (think “infected wounds”) and antifungal properties;

CLIENTS HAVE REPORTED IT TO BE USEFUL FOR: relieving burns (sunburns and burns from hot things), bug bites, stings, poison ivy/oak/sumac; soothing inflamed or irritated skin, rashes, cuts, scraps and abrasions; as a Tattoo healing salve; lip balm; it’s even gentle enough to use on irritated “private parts” and to be used for diaper rash/diaper cream; moisturizer; athlete’s foot, fungal infections, and more!

Work with Christina for customized homeopathic guidance.

INGREDIENTS: Olive oil, Coconut oil, Beeswax, Calendula flowers (no fragrances or preservatives) (all organically produced ingredients)




2oz, 4oz


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