
Exposure Defense Homeopathic Remedy


A targeted homeopathic combination remedy formulated by Christina that may be helpful after being exposed to shedding from current experimental FDA and CDC endorsed “preventatives”

Instructions are on the label.


Clients have reported the following after taking the remedy:

  • Feels like a darkness that had slowly, almost imperceptibly descended over me is now GONE
  • The fog/density has been lifted and I feel lighter
  • I was really struggling mentally to feel confident, happy, and see the glass as half full. After taking even just the first dose of this remedy, I noticed an immediate change and shift towards ease, clarity and just a feeling of things being simple again.

Individual results may vary. No claims are being made as to the effects of this product.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition and is provided for educational purposes only. For the real scoop on things, JOIN OUR PMA (coming soon!!)

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