Asheville Systema

Systema: The Russian Martial Art and Health System

“Systema is really a health system
disguised as a martial art.”
~ Bill Parravano

What is Systema…

Systema is a synergy of three components – Combat Skills, Strong Spirit and Healthy Body. Drawing from various martial arts and ancient Cossack techniques, Systema gives the practitioner a toolbox to help deal with stress and tension, be more grounded into your body/mind/emotions, and to better deal with the challenges that emerge in everyday life and situations of conflict.

The key principle of Systema is non-destruction. The main goal of training is to make sure your ego and your emotions do no damage to the body or the psyche of you or your partners. Systema is designed to create, build and strengthen the body, the psyche, the family and the community.

Systema Overview

Bill Parravano Systema Asheville Certified Systema instructor

Bill Parravano

Certified Systema Instructor
by Vladimir Vasiliev

Welcome to



Train with us every Saturday in Weaverville.
Systema training is followed by Russian Health Practices,
including Pravilo!


About Training…





Systema does NOT make the assumption that you are in peak physical condition when you show up to train. The focus is on breathing, movement and relaxation in order to understand your own tension. Through this practice, you are better able to recognize the tension and fear in others.

The training puts you at the edge of fear to test and push your ability to handle more stress/fear, thus making your a stronger and more grounded person.

The result of a great Systema practice is to feel more relaxed and alert AFTERWARDS than you did when you arrived.

During Training…

Study the mechanics of the physical body

Observe psychological effects of entrainment that takes place with those you interact with every day

Disconnect from that entrainment and become more clear thinking, focused and grounded.

Breathing is a huge component of Systema training

Learn to keep the body in a relaxed state as long as possible while under stress or in conflict





During practice, you’ll be challenged physically, mentally and emotionally. No two practices are ever the same. The result of a great Systema practice is to feel more relaxed and alert AFTERWARDS than you did when you arrived.


By dissipating your own fear, anger, excitement and other emotions, you can spot those emotions in others

The practice of Systema intuitively leads you to touch, strike or kick the tension in your opponent, collapsing their structure

With practice, careful observation and an honest intention to “Know Thyself,” the practitioner will begin to recognize and become intimately connected with the same patterns and how they move through your daily life

About Your Instructor Bill Parravano…

I began my 15-year Judo journey in 1990 at the University of Toledo, competing nationally and internationally for several years. A severe knee injury in 1998 shifted my focus toward the healing arts, leading me to Systema in 1999. I immersed myself in training, traveling frequently to Toronto, and earned my Certification as an Instructor in 2004. Over the years, I ran Systema schools in Louisville, KY, Charleston, SC, and Asheville, NC.

Through my recovery, I found that Systema helped me reconnect with and feel “normal” in my body again. Alongside my study of an Osteopathically-based Bodywork approach (also beginning in 1999), I developed a deeper understanding of how to use these two practices together to support physical healing.

Bill Parravano Systema Asheville Certified Systema instructor



Train with us every Saturday in Weaverville.
Systema training is followed by Russian Health Practices,
including Pravilo!




More About Systema…

Through regular practice:
Systema has:

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