BANISH – Natural Parasite Cleanse 2oz


Banish Natural Parasite Cleanse

Formulated and crafted by Homeopath Christina Thevaos in the style of a classic Italian “Nocino” liquor (Italian Black Walnut liquor). Designed to be a thorough natural parasite cleanse that you repeat at least twice per year, or seasonally. Each 2oz bottle contains one complete cleanse for one adult. 









Historic Instructions: ADULTS Take 1tsp morning and evening for FIVE DAYS. Take a TWO DAY break. Then repeat for a second cycle of 5 days. Can be added to juice, water, tea or taken straight. Repeat quarterly, and reach out with questions!

Helpful tips during a parasite cleanse:

  • Use binders such as activated charcoal, chlorella, zeolite, bentonite clay along with any parasite cleanse
  • Drink extra fluids (non-caffeinated) during a cleanse
  • Take steps to ensure you have regular/frequent bowel movements during a cleanse

Ingredients: Ethyl (Cane) alcohol, Juglans nigra* (black walnut), Mel** (Honey), Syzygium aromaticum** (cloves), Artemisia absinthium** (wormwood), Artemsia vulgaris* (mugwort), Magnesia muriaticum 3x***, Colloidal copper, Cinnamomum zeylanicum** (Ceylon cinnamon)

*Wild harvested, **Organically grown, ***Homeopathic remedy

Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition and is provided for educational purposes only. For the real scoop on things, JOIN OUR PMA (coming soon!!)

Work with Christina for customized homeopathic/health guidance.






Weight .60 kg
Dimensions 3.7 × 3.7 × 10 cm


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